Get Started Guide

DataNoodle is a game-changing platform that allows businesses to stay competitive and on top of their game by automating website checks for near real-time market signals, compliance and quality.

This simple guide will get you set up and running in no time!

Getting ready your Ecosystem

After creating your free account, the first thing you’ll need to do is set up an Ecosystem. You can add up to 3 websites to your Ecosystem, which will allow you to compare their pages directly. Simply add the website’s homepage URL, and we’ll handle the rest.

During setup, you’ll enter the industry for each website and be given a list of suggested vertical tags – for example, if the website sells consumer electronics, suggested tags include TVs, laptops, and smartphones. If you like, you can skip adding tags at this stage and create your own later.

Using vertical tags

Vertical tags let you create data segments for greater insights. You can filter your data by these tags to view product information across one or more websites. Choose from a list of suggested tags by industry, or go to the Vertical tags tab to create your own custom tags.

To assign tags, go to the Website tracking tab. Use the Website Data table to find the products you want to tag by searching keywords or SKUs. For example, you can assign the tag T-shirts to filter all T-shirt products, allowing you to compare them at the category level.

Reading your Content Dashboard graph

On the Website tracking tab, you’ll see a line graph under your Content Dashboard. The default Changes view plots the total changes a website had over a given period of time. Since we’re tracking all changes occurring at the HTML tag level, one page can represent multiple changes.

Switching over to the status Status view, you’ll see if a page server’s status has changed over a given period. For example, you might have had an unexpected amount of pages become 404 (Not Found). If so, you’d want to find out what happened on that day that could have caused these errors.

Understanding your Website Data table

DataNoodle tracks website changes at the HTML level. For example, we’ll show you if a page has had any changes to one of its main heading <H1> tags, paragraph <p> tags, or image <img> tags. To help you monitor SEO tactics, we also track changes to meta tags like <title> and <description>.

Click on any row in the Website Data table to be shown a quick overview of up to the last 5 days of changes. Click on the View page button to go deeper and see specific HTML updates for that page. The new HTML is shown in green while the old HTML is shown in red.

Reading your Product Dashboard graph

DataNoodle recognises if a web page has structured data. If it does, we create a product entry from this data and monitor it for pricing and availability changes. To view all the products inside an Ecosystem, click the Products tab to open up your Product Dashboard.

You will see a line graph with two views that you can switch between. The Changes view plots changes to pricing, currency, SKUs and product data over a given time period, while the Availability view shows updates to stock availability (In Stock or Out of Stock).

Understanding your Product Data table

While the Product Dashboard gives an overview of product changes, the Product Data table provides insights on the individual product level. You can use our advanced filters to zero in on the products you want to look at more closely.

Some examples to get you started: Filter by SKU to bring up and compare data for a specific product sold by multiple websites. For a slightly wider view, you can filter by brand (e.g. “Apple”) or product name keywords (e.g. “airpods”). Or to uncover premium, discount, or budget range products, simply apply a price range filter.